Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find the answer below? Please contact us if you still have questions!
Where are you located?
We host our gatherings in Pasadena, CA. Login or sign up to access the Members Area of this website for the specific address.
How do I join?
Click on Sign up at the top of this website's menu. Fill out the form. You're now a TACO Member!
How much does it cost?
It's $20 to play in each session. Registration link is posted in the Members Area. We no longer take payments at the door.
When and how often do you meet?
We meet monthly on the 1st Sunday of every month from 2:30-5:30 PM. Dates are subject to change but will always be on a Sunday.
Should I practice before the gathering?
It's your choice! Some members practice and some sight read the music the day we meet.
When and where is music posted?
Music is posted in the Members Area at least 3 weeks prior to the session. Music must be printed. Reading from an iPad is fine. Sheet music will not be provided at the event.
How do I register?
The registration link is posted in the Members Area or sent through our monthly email reminders. Be sure to sign up so you don't miss any updates!
How do I cancel?
We give registration refunds (excluding the processing fee) if you fill out this form by the Thursday before the session. Please give us 24 hours to initiate the refund. If you'd like to just let us know to not expect you, fill out the same form and mark "Donate registration fee to TACO LA". Both options will open a spot for someone else to register. Thank you!
Do we have to audition or perform?
There are no auditions or performances. All levels are welcome! We play music for ourselves without an audience!
What should I bring?
Printed sheet music from the Members Area, music stand, your instrument, and your good humor!
Can I play piano?
There is a baby grand piano provided at our venue. Please fill out this form to express your interest. If multiple people are interested, names will be raffled.
Can I play percussion?
The percussion part is limited to 2-3 people. Please fill out our contact form to express your interest
Can I play more than one instrument?
Absolutely! For example, we have members play saxophone in some tunes, and flute for the others. Playing multiple instruments at the same time, however, is not recommended!
Can I play different parts?
Of course! You may choose whichever part you feel most comfortable with and can switch parts. For example, playing 1st violin for one piece and 2nd violin in another.
What if my part is not available?
You may choose a different part that fits the range of your instrument. For example, bass clarinet can play cello music (transposed) or a harpist can play the piano part.
For instruments with multiple parts (Violin 1, Violin 2, etc.), how are they split between members?
Please choose the part you're most comfortable with or would like to play the most. We won't assign the parts. You may print all parts and decide at the session which one to play.
What type of music does TACO play?
We play a mix of several genres including classical, jazz, and movie music to name a few. Most of the music we play are arrangements written for middle school to high school levels.
Are guests allowed?
Guests are always welcome to come and observe our process! However, ALL guests must be invited by someone playing in the orchestra or contacted the Director about their attendance prior. Although there is no payment to be a guest, checking in is required.
Will there be food?
No, there won't be food during the event. Some of us meet at a local restaurant afterwards for food and drinks. Details on the dinner sent to those who register. Waters are provided.
May I leave early or arrive late?
Yes, just let us know in the comment section of your registration.
I'm still nervous to join!
Please reach out to the Director, Jazmine Rampas, and let her know! We encourage attending as a guest or playing just 1 or 2 of the tunes to get a feel for TACO.